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Saving Your Sanity with a Reprint

reprinting a print product

Congrats! You successfully executed your first print product run. Production ran with relatively few hiccups, your marketing campaign was a success, and clients are raving about your product. Well done! You’re ready to create more items, so you need to save as much time as possible running your first reprint of the initial product.

Here are a few ways to ensure it's as seamless as possible.

Spec Check

Since you are reprinting, you already have a proposal detailing your previous order. Now that you've sold that product, you've hopefully heard from your customers celebrating the product and offering feedback (both positive and opportunities for growth). If you haven't heard any of that, take the time to search it out. Feedback from direct end users is the most valuable you can receive as to the efficacy of your product.

Take time to review all feedback as well as your own internal thoughts on tweaks, changes, upgrades, or updates you might make to the product to improve it or even just update it a bit for a second run. If the main components of the product are receiving stellar reviews, but you want to make a simple change or two so the new run stands out a bit, try considering these tweaks:

  • Stay with the same fabric family but swap shades for different colors

  • Change the colors of the binding

  • Upgrade to soft-touch lamination for a luxurious texture on paper covers

  • Add texture to your gift box for a high-end feel

  • Add metal corner pieces, a ribbon, bookmark, or pocket for alternative enhancements


Once you have finalized any changes to your specs, it's time to finalize the files with the printer. Unless you change the dimensions, you should have all the measurements in place from the previous run. If you do change the sizing of your product, ask your printer rep for a new template. Once you have these in place, gather your files and submit them in one place (ex: DropBox, WeTransfer, Google Drive) for review by the printer.


If this is a straight reprint, proofing should be very speedy. If you are truly in a time crunch, you may be able to skip the dummy step (blank printing sample that is used to check the final interior paper, binding method, cover paper, book thickness and book size etc.), provided the dimensions and specs have not changed. If they have, you should at least have a better idea of what to expect when it comes to the process, which will allow you to plan ahead.

Time Frame

While the production and transit time will be standard—likely the same as your first order, by following these steps you are increasing your chances of a stress free printing process. Here's what you can expect for a standard reprint:

No Spec Changes: Plan for 3.5-4 months

Spec Changes: Plan for 4-5 months

These guidelines are, of course, rough estimates, but it gives you a reference point for sake of planning. Timing isn’t everything, but it’s important.


If you're ready to re-run your product and create some excitement for your customers, contact us here, and let's create something great together.


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